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01.12.2015 Presentation «Politica climatica ed energetica Considerazioni economiche» at the Università della Svizzera italiana (slides in english), Thomas Brändle (PDF, 748 kB, 06.07.2016)
09.10.2014 Presentation «After Fukushima: A New Role for Energy Taxes in Switzerland» at the University of Lausanne, Pierre-Alain Bruchez (PDF, 1 MB, 06.07.2016)
01.10.2014 Presentation «After Fukushima: A New Role for Energy Taxes in Switzerland» at the University of Lausanne, Pierre-Alain Bruchez (PDF, 1 MB, 06.07.2016)
02.07.2014 Presentation «Distributional Incidence of Energy Taxes across Households: A Swiss Perspective» at the OECD, Pierre-Alain Bruchez (PDF, 437 kB, 06.07.2016)
03.10.2013 Presentation « After Fukushima: A New Role for Energy Taxes in Switzerland » at the University of Lausanne, Pierre-Alain Bruchez (PDF, 1 MB, 06.07.2016)
22.09.2011 Presentation «Tax and Environment» at OECD Workshop, Martin Baur (Sept 2012) (PDF, 226 kB, 06.07.2016)
Last modification 06.07.2016
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